Exclusive - A Mom Followed This Man After He Stole Her Wallet In A Grocery Store And Gave Him A Choice That Made Him Weep
In 2013, Jessica Eaves, a mother of four from Oklahoma became the subject of the headlines for an incredible reason.
Eaves was in the middle of shopping for groceries when a man started trailing behind her. When she later on realized that her wallet went missing, she immediately knew why.
Her decision to approach him was bold. In the middle of a crowded aisle, she told him something no one would have probably expect you would say to a thief.
"You can either give me my wallet and I’ll forgive you right now, and I’ll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries."
She also considered another option if the thief refused, to call the cops, but she chose not to voice it out yet.
According to reports, it was at this moment when she recalled a scipture from the bible from the book of Luke, "To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either."
Without saying anything, the man reached into his sweatshirt pocket and handed her the wallet. As the two made their way towards the front of the store to pay for his grocery, he started weeping.
The man started apologizing incessantly, saying he did it out of desperation.
"The last thing he said was, ‘I’ll never forget tonight. I’m broke, I have kids, I’m embarrassed and I’m sorry,'" she said.
Leader of a Christian outreach team at 'First Christian Church', she admitted that it was at the moment in the check-out counter when she knew Christ played at that moment.
"I never carry cash, When I got to the check-out counter that day his total was just a little over $27 and I had $28 in cash in my wallet. And so I knew in that moment it wasn’t me. It was Christ that played in that moment," she revealed.
Her kindness is truly admirable and certainly the reason why the post quickly became viral.
Source: TNP , Littlethings