[Amazing] 20 Of The Most Famous Non-Musical One Hit Wonders
Although one hit wonders are usually associated with music, today we are going to expand the definition significantly. Whether it is a book, toy, movie, video game, or even a sport, all of the following share one thing in common…they don’t have a sequel! These are 25 of the most famous non-musical one hit wonders!
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Source: wikipedia, Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain: author's life + 100 yrs)
This politician turned farmer was called upon by Ancient Rome to lead the army against Rome’s enemies during a military emergency. In spite of assuming the role of a supreme dictator, he resigned 2 weeks later after defeating Rome’s enemies and returned to his farm.
President James K. Polk
Source: wikipedia, Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain: published before 1923)
Although he only served one term, he is considered to be the only president to fulfill all his campaign goals (such as the annexation of Oregon Country, Texas, and most of the Southwest). Of course, most of those goals weren’t really all that noble as they were motivated by greed and inevitably led to their fair share of war and death.
Source: wikipedia, Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)
It was a planet for 80 Earth years. That’s barely ⅓ of a Pluto year. That’s right, it was a planet for less than half of its year.
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
The company came out with one shoe and then ran into inventory problems before it could diversify.
Rubiks Cube
Source: wikipedia
Erno Rubik made a few more math toys later in life, but none became quite so popular as his cube.
Source: wikipedia
Rocket Chemical was looking to make degreasers for rockets. It was only on their 40th try that they finally came up with a useful solution. They named it WD-40 and eventually even changed their company name to reflect what is basically their only product.
Gettier problem
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Edmund Gettier, a philosopher at the Wayne State University in Detroit wrote a 3 page paper in 1963 just to satisfy the administration’s publication requirements. He thought it was so bad that he had it translated to Spanish and published in an obscure South American philosophy journal. As it turns out, those 3 pages turned 2,000 years of philosophy on its head. It lead to what is known as the Gettier problem. Basically, he showed that justified true belief isn’t really knowledge (you’ll have to google this, it’s pretty interesting). At any rate, Edmund just went back to being a normal philosophy professor afterwards.
Source: wikipedia
It was basically the first antibiotic, and although it’s still used today, lots of bacteria are now resistant.
To Kill A Mockingbird
Source: wikipedia
Harper Lee made Atticus Finch, the protagonist of the century. It’s hard to top that.
Winnie the Pooh
Source: wikipedia, Image: commons.wikimedia.org (Disney/ Public domain)
A. Milne was a pretty well known scholar, but he had a hard time being taken seriously after publishing his children’s book.
Yuri Gagarin
Source: wikipedia
He was the first man in space, but the Soviets wouldn’t let him go back. Apparently his life was too valuable to the propaganda machine. Ironically enough, he died shortly afterwards in a plane crash.
Flappy Bird
Source: wikipedia
Vietnamese developer Dong Nguyen took it down from the app store almost right after it came out. Although it took the world by storm, Dong hasn’t made any such waves since then.
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
It’s one of the best selling games of all time. You can’t beat that.
The Matrix
Source: wikipedia
None of the other Wachowski films could quite measure up to the success of the Matrix Trilogy.
KONY 2012
Source: wikipedia
Invisible Children came up with one scam and then quit game.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as screenwriters
Source: wikipedia
Apparently being a famous movie star is a much better gig.
The Titanic
Source: wikipedia
There wasn’t much room for a sequel…
Jeremy Lin
Source: wikipedia
He was an NBA star for barely half a season. Now he’s back to normal.
Jake Lloyd
Source: wikipedia
He was propelled to fame as Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars. Shortly thereafter he quit acting.
Burundi’s gold medal
Source: wikipedia, Image: en.wikipedia.org (public domain)
Venuste Niyongabo was the first athlete Burundi ever sent to the Olympics. He won gold, but Burundi hasn’t won a single medal since.
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
James Naismith invented one sport and stopped there. Who does that?
P.S. we’re being sarcastic.
Source: wikipedia
Can you name anything else that Tom has done lately?
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Developed by Swedish programmer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, he went from no name developer to one of the world’s richest people in a matter of a few years.
Delorean DMC-12
Source: wikipedia
It was the only model ever produced by the DeLorean Motor Company. Most of you probably know it from Back To The Future.
Source: wikipedia
It’s basically Jagex’s only game.
Photos: 21. User Curis on en.wikipedia via wikimedia commons, 20. Mike Mozart via flickr, 18. Wellcome images, 17. Carissa Rogers via flickr, 15. Bernt Rostad via flickr, 14. BagoGames via flickr, 12. Steve Troughton via flickr (public domain), 11. Robert Raines via flickr, 10. Miguel Angel Azua Garcia via wikimedia commons, 9. Theatrical release poster (fair use) via en.wikipedia.org, 8. nikk_la via flickr, 7. ycanada_news via flickr, 4. Spencer E Holtaway via flickr, 2. own work LSDSL 11:57, 27 June 2007 (UTC) 2004-Jul.-11 via wikimedia commons, 1. LordTyrellz via youtube