Exclusive - Courageous Caitie Will Have A Sibling Born On The Same Day She Was Diagnosed With Leukemia

In a Facebook post, Courageous Catie’s parents Jayjay and Feliz announced a miracle.

Just a few months after the unfortunate passing of their 3-year old daughter Caitie to a rare blood disease called juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML), the family announced that they are expecting a new member of the family

During the latter part of 2015, Caitie was rushed to Cardinal Santos Medical Center with what seemed like insect bites on her skin. However, she could not be diagnosed so she was transferred to the National University Hospital in Singapore

She touched the hearts of many Filipinos when their parents shared the bravery shown by the young trooper online.

On the Facebook post, they also said that they are expecting the baby to be born on the same day that Caitie was diagnosed with JMML.

“When we found out we were expecting, our OB checked the fetus and casually told us that the expected delivery date is March 5. We just cried. What are the chances right?” the post reads. 

“Only God can replace pain with much joy,” they wrote in their captions, sharing their happiness with their supporters.

“The sun will rise, and we will try again. :)”
Souce: TNP Cosmo

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