Exclusive - This Dad Took His Two Little Boys on the Ride of Their Lives and Travelled 4,000 KM From Mindanao To Luzon!

To explore the wonders and marvels of the 7, 100 islands of the Philippines can really make you feel awe, something which can only be brought forth by the rush of nature and beauty. To get around the 3 major islands, one would ideally take a boat or a plane. But for this father of two, Resty Sambilad, two wheels is the way to go.

Resty is a motorcycle enthusiast and is part of a group of motorcycle aficionados who travelled across the Philippines with just their motorcycles. He even brought his two sons in the epic 4, 000 kilometer adventure from their hometown in Surigao, Davao all the way to Appari in Northern Luzon

This Dad Took His Two Little Boys on the Ride of Their Lives and Travelled 4,000 KM From Mindanao To Luzon!

His sons Troy and Totti, 7 and 10 years old, were begging to join their dad on this adventure. They were really looking forward to it because their dad  had already rejected their request last year to join him on the same route. But for the 2016 Mindanao Freedom Ride Philippine loop, the boys begged their father once again and this time, he couldn’t say no.

This Dad Took His Two Little Boys on the Ride of Their Lives and Travelled 4,000 KM From Mindanao To Luzon!

The Sambilad trio all hit the road and started from Surigao along with the 60 Mindanaoan motorcycle enthusiasts. From there, they headed to Dapitan, before taking the long way via Tacloban, Legazpi, Manila, Baguio,  Sagada, Aparri, Vigan, Clark, Mindoro, Caticlan, Bacolod, and Dumaguete. Resty said that they never encountered any fatal accidents or bad experiences throughout the whole cross-country ride. 

The riders even had a priest riding along with them for the reason that they all wanted to have a guardian angel.

The journey of the Mindanao Freedom Ride reached their final stop in Cagayan de Oro on November 17 after they covered 36 provinces.

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