
[Interesting] Why People Fall In Love With You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Falling in love can be intense. Which is why it’s no surprise that many people’s love lives are often filled with all sorts of confusing highs and lows. The deeply meaningful connections and experiences we have with others can be overwhelming and tricky to navigate. We all approach relationships in different ways and look for specific things when it comes to finding someone to truly and completely love. Some people are easy to love and the feelings come naturally, whereas loving others takes a little more time.

Have you ever wondered what it is about you that makes other people fall in love with you? Maybe it’s because you’re open and honest, or confident and always positive, there are many possible reasons as to why. However, answering such type of question about yourself is virtually impossible to do without being a little bit biased!

An easy way to explore your love life, and specifically what it is about you that causes others to fall in love with you, is by way of the zodiac. Astrology offers a refreshingly unique approach to the topic and frames the issue in a much more universal dimension. By knowing how the zodiac affects a certain sign, in terms of how those who fall under it draw others to them and attract love, you can instantly know a little more about both yourself and the person you love! Scroll down to find your sign and check out if what the stars have to say about your love life rings true. Don’t forget to check out what your partner’s sign reveals about them as well, have fun and enjoy!

Why Do People Fall In Love With You According To Your Zodiac Sign? Let us know your results in the comments below

January 20th – February 18th
She may be quiet and simple, but you can always be sure enough of her honesty and loyalty. You might get surprise on how she views life but you just have to accept the fact that she handles herself in an unorthodox way. Her smile is like the beaming sunrise of the summer season. She’s very easy on the eyes, merry and always cheerful. A single flower can make her day and she’s highly appreciable. She may be tolerant and very patient but don’t get her to her boiling point or you’ll see what you’re searching for. Let that smile stay and never ever make her cry. Because once you broke her trust, you would be hoping for a lesser chance to take her love back.

February 19th – March 20th

Under that gullible, fine-looking lady, is a brilliant mind that may surprise you. She’s a bit intimidating but you can never let her go. She had that smart way to make you stay, to a point when you just want to spend the whole day talking to her and would still feel productive at the end of the day. Her gentle nature can make your heart pump like there’s no tomorrow, making you fall in love with her over and over again. She can be passionately devoted to you but don’t take advantage of her. Treat her like a princess and she would surely treat you as her prince.

March 21st – April 19th

Her creative mind and her insightful personality would leave you giggling yourself under your pillow. She’s an extrovert. A transparent soul you would never dare to make her cry. She has this aura of a child, who had no capacity to lie, to fake, or to be someone she is not. Her extreme sense of humor would make your day complete, ending it with vigorous laughter and energy. You would never get bored being with her because she could make you happy as much as you make her feel the same way. Treat her as your best friend and you would be confident enough to say that you have someone to be there for you, in sickness or in health, for good or bad.

April 20th – May 20th
She may be stubborn, for that’s her nature, or strong-willed, or literally, strong. But once you opened up the gate to her heart, you will find the softest heart you could ever know. She’s very understanding and kind. Always willing to help in times of need. Her heart is full of determination and she can easily find an inspiration to anything. Be that inspiration. Show her that you deserve her heart. Make her feel that she’s special, that she don’t have to face the world alone. Expect her to be a bit bossy, but always remember that whatever happens, she’s a girl and a good talk can make her understand you.

May 21st – June 20th

As for their constant mood swings, expect them to be more than that. Well, positively, of course. Gemini tend to have duality in terms of personality but you just have to figure out their real nature. She can easily understand situations and adapt to it quickly. It would never take you long and hard enough to understand her because she can show it to you, as clear as your reflection in the mirror. She is very affectionate and kind. Always expect her to be very supportive to whatever you want as long as it is for your own good.

June 21st – July 22nd

They are naturally born romantic and they tend to fall in love easily. Teach her how to defend herself because she needed someone to protect her against people who are very eager to take advantage of her heart. She’s very attractive and pretty. She is conservative and shy. Don’t force her to things she don’t want at all or she’ll end up punching your face or kicking your ass. Never make her feel that she’s a downgrade, that you can make her dance in your palm. She can trust easily so take that as a treasure and never ever break her trust. She may be kind and quiet but she can be a different person once hurt.

July 23rd – August 22nd

Despite being a natural leader, she is never boastful. She’s very intelligent and a bit intimidating but you will learn a lot from her. From political to life views. She’s a very good speaker and a great listener too. You may find in her the comfort you needed and is a very good shoulder to cry on. She never judge and she’s a very good friend. Beneath her brave and strong personality is that gentle and sensitive heart she may refuse to show you or other people. But don’t stop pushing in into her life because you may not know as to when she started opening her door for you to freely come into her heart.

August 23rd – September 22nd

She may be tagged as an introvert but don’t take it as a negative thing. She’s very modest and kind. She easily understands feelings and she is a good adviser. She’s very charming especially to the opposite sex, so you have to be aware of that. Don’t let others take her away from you or else you would end up crying your heart out because you never tried fighting for her. She hs a low self-esteem and lacks self-confidence so she needed you to make her feel beautiful, because she really is. Be her knight in shining armor. Her hero. Her everything.

September 23rd – October 21nd

She knows how to balance things up so it wouldn’t be hard for you in the process of your relationship. She’s very keen in terms of details like dates, events, people and special occasions. She loves her family and her circle of friends so don’t you ever make her choose between you and her priorities. She’s terribly in love about the idea of love. It means so much to her that she just can’t stay put without it. She’s a total romantic and loves surprises. You may just go home one day, balloons all over your house and a cake at the center of you table with a written love letter beside it. She would never forget the first time she met you or the first time you said you love her, or the first time you held her hand and kissed her. She remembers all the wonderful “first times” of her life and you just have to appreciate that. She’s a total victim of love and she would always wanted you to be the suspect. Be a good suspect. Love her truely and set aside the bad motives. She can balance things but she need you to balance her life.

October 22nd – November 21st

They took a lot of effort making someone happy and you cannot ask for more. She’s very simple yet elegant and she can make guys drop their jaws in the sight of her. She’s very appreciative and she loves nature. She’s not into material things but book. Give her a book and she may cry her heart out of happiness. Give her a book and she would love you forever. That’s just how simple she is. But when she make her efforts to making you happy, you may just get surprised when one day, a helicopter may just appear in front of your porch, as her hand reaches out for you and inviting you to fly with her.

November 22nd – December 21st

If you are in search for an independent person, the one who’s not a pain in the ass, then she is the right girl for you. She’s a total cool lady, very independent enough in her life. She knows how to make decisions of her own, thinking of all the pros and cons. She loves music and she’s very talented. She may be less of a romantic but she can make you feel how wonderful it is to love a girl of passion and freedom. You can see the stars in her eyes and the moon in her lips. She’s a darling you know. And it’s not hard to fall in love with a girl like her.

December 22nd – January 19th

A bit peculiar but easy to understand. She’s very particular when it comes to personality yet she can get along well with others easily. A naturally born friendly person and everybody loves her. You wouldn’t dare erase that smile on her face because that smile can complete anyone’s day. She’s cool and popular. She may seem a little hard to tame but don’t be afraid to tell her how much you care because for sure it would make her very happy to realize that someone cares for her. She’s not a brat, she’s just a happy-go-lucky girl. Deal with her and you’ll know how happy it is like dating someone like her.

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