Exclusive - Woman Was Being Abused Inside an Elevator with Spectators Inside. How the People Reacted Is Just Unbelievable!
According to the statistics gathered by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), an average of 20 people per minute experience domestic abuse. Even more shocking to note is that the data is only for cases within the United States. Just imagine how bad it must be worldwide.
In a video circulating online, two couples were seen arguing and then things started to turn violent. The video later showed the man pushing and shoving the woman into the corner of the wall. At one point, the man was even seen slapping the poor woman.
The scene took place inside an elevator with different spectators who were inside the elevator with them.
Watch the full video here!
Apparently, the video was a social experiment conducted by STHLM Panda in Sweden. The scenes of domestic abuse were done in the hopes of seeing how many people would dare speak up or act against harassment.
STHLM Panda placed hidden cameras in the elevator. The organization explores human nature through the use of social experiments and shares their findings online.
Sadly, the experiment showed that only 2% of people were willing to speak out in situations where violence between couples was apparent. Out of the 53 times that the actors performed the scene with different spectators, only one person reacted.
Many of the people who shared the lift with the actors displayed apathy. Even when a slap was heard during the elevator ride, one woman decided to merely stand on the far side of the elevator and keep to herself. Some simply focused on their phones, not minding the abuse happening right in front of them.
One man even decided to escape the scene after shortly observing. Even after hearing the man threaten the woman's life, he chose not to interfere.
Fortunately, one woman decided to speak out against the harassment. The woman who intervened warned the abusive man that she will call the cops if he attempts to touch the woman again.
When the actors finally revealed that it was a social experiment, the woman was surprised. But what was even more shocking to her was the revelation that she was the first out of 53 people who acted.
"I can't believe people are not reacting," she said sadly.
Sweden has the highest number of sexual harassment cases against women. The average rate of women experiencing sexual harassment in the EU is 55%, while Sweden reportedly has a percentage of about 81%.
Unfortunately, harassment happens every day all across the globe and if people continue to remain mum about the issue, then it will definitely continue.
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