Trending Now - Instead Of Spending $15-$20,000 For Purebred German Shepherds, These Cops Are Getting Rescue Pit Bulls

Meet Phantom and Sarah, two pit bulls rescued from a shelter who just became K9 dogs. Knowing the bad reputation the breed has and the fact that pibbles are the #1 breed to be euthanized in the US, officers at North Carolina’s Clay County Sheriff’s Office took it upon themselves to change the situation. “What will be the most shocking to some will not be that Clay County Sheriff’s has the new K-9 Deputies, but rather their breed,” the department wrote online, adding: “even though pit bulls get a bad rap in the media, they aren’t all bad dogs and can do great things for the communities they serve.”

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However, turning shelter bully breeds with an uncertain future into officer dogs not only gives them a second chance at life – it also saves taxpayers money. “The two foundations have taken on the mission to show that Departments do not need to spend $15-$20,000 for a purebred German shepherd or Belgian Malinois to search and find illegal drugs, at the same time giving dogs destined for a life in a shelter or euthanasia a second chance at life serving Law Enforcement Officers and Departments around the country.” Sounds like a win-win situation.

More info: Clay County Sheriff’s Office | Facebook (h/t)

Two pit bulls rescued from a shelter just became K9 dogs, and the officers couldn’t be more proud

Choosing a pure bred for a K9 costs around $15-$20,000, so training a shelter dog saves taxpayers money

It’s a win-win! The Internet reacted:

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