Exclusive - This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

You might not know her name yet, but after reading this you will definitely remember it.

This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

Her name is Sabina Altynbekova, a 20-year-old volleyball player from Kazakhstan who is loved by almost everyone online.

From her jaw-dropping pictures to her awe-inspiring videos, this volleyball-playing beauty just keeps on making waves. People love her so much, they even make drawings of her.

This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

Who could blame them?

This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!


This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

Here’s a video of her and her team in a volleyball match against China

The camera just loves this girl, and we do too!

Her team can’t say the same as they are worried that people are losing their focus on the sport because of her eye-catching beauty.

"It is impossible to work like this… The crowd behaves like there is only one player at the championship" said coach Nurlan Sadikov

Sabina said that she loves the attention that she’s been getting but she hopes that she will be recognized for her skills on the court.

This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

Of course, people are defending Sabina. Who wouldn’t?

"She's pretty, but it's not her fault for all the attention"
- Shiane Bailey

"People baffle me sometimes. So what if she has a pretty face? If she's a good volleyball, what does any of the other stuff matter?"
- Frentina Antrea

"not her fault she is hot..."
- Winnie ChenHW

We here at TNP wholeheartedly agree.

"Too pretty for volleyball? This is ridiculous...what next? Too fat to play bowling? What is the world coming to? =_____="
- Primmy Dharamadhaj

This 17-Year-Old Volleyball Player From Kazakhstan Was Bashed for Being 'Too Beautiful'!

What do you think of this volleyball beauty? Tell us in the comments section below!

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