Exclusive - Most Dedicated Plumber in the World Does Above and Beyond To Do His Job. This Picture Says it All!

Sometimes we became so submerged into a routine that everything becomes ordinary. When that happens, most of us just settle with mediocrity and aiming for excellence feels farfetch as time goes by. This is how dedication at work fades away. 

But this plumber should shame all routinary people who do not give importance to what they do. It was a bad day for Andrea Adams from Texas when her Pipe had troubles and she had to get it fixed right away. Well, good thing, it was Jimmie Cox who came as he didn't just give up on those faulty pipes. But he did everything to do his job even if it means submerging half your body in a muddy hole. 

He extremely went viral after Adams wasn't able to resist capturing that moment where she saw pure dedication from Jimmie. Well, he became popular overnight and have become the face of a working man who go above and beyond to what he needs to do. 

As a reward, Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs offered him a case of beer personally. While Wrangler Jeans gave him a supply of denims. Awesome, right? Well, it's not everyday you see such dedicated person. 

"It feels pretty crazy that many people are staring on a picture of my butt. Not gonna lie."says Cox laughing.

Source: TNP, Dimplify

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