Exclusive - IS THE BIG ONE COMING? Earthquakes Hit Compostella Valley and Davao at the Same Time!

Earthquakes ranging from Magnitudes 4.2 to 4.6 have hit Compostela Valley and Davao City.

In Davao, the 4.6 quake brought down a concrete waiting shed in front of a school just this morning, February 23.

IS THE BIG ONE COMING? Earthquakes Hit Compostella Valley and Davao at the Same Time!
IS THE BIG ONE COMING? Earthquakes Hit Compostella Valley and Davao at the Same Time!

ABS-CBN correspondent Francis Magbanue shared how 911 personell responded to the scene via Facebook Live. At least 2 people were hurt, including a woman who was hit by the shed itself.

Meanwhile, the intensity 4.2 quake in Compostella which struck at 9:50 this morning, around the same time, caused no damage nor casualties.

IS THE BIG ONE COMING? Earthquakes Hit Compostella Valley and Davao at the Same Time!

More comprehensive of the tectonic disasters are expected to come in within the day, but some are of the opinion that this might be further proof that a national calamity involving quakes should be expected.

Could this be signs that the Big One is coming soon? Tell us how Earthquake-ready you are in the comments section!

Source: TNP , ABS-CBN

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