Exclusive - This Woman Was Scammed When She Used A Credit Card to Pay for Her Meal! FIND OUT HOW IT HAPPENED HERE!

Credit card scams are prevalent these days. From identity theft to unauthorized purchases, criminal elements are out to make credit card users their victims. 

Facebook user Jasmin Sibuyo posted this picture to remind those who use credit cards. Here is how the crime was perpetrated: 

Sibuyo and company ate at Savory Robinson Pioneer. She ordered the following: 1 whole chicken worth 399 pesos, 1 Pancit Canton amounting to 230 pesos, 2 rice worth 60 pesos, and mango pudding worth 60 pesos. Their total bill should have amounted to 749 pesos. 

They already left the restaurant when they noticed that the total on the Savory receipt was 749 but the total was 1,498 on the Credit Card receipt. It was indicated on the credit card receipt that the BASE was 749 and the TIP was 749

Sibuyo was surprised as she didn't recal giving a tip that was as much as the meal they ate. 

So Sibuyo and company came back to the restaurant for an explanation. The cashier in charge said that it was accidentally pressed. 

Sibuyo was not convinced. She grew even more suspicious when the restaurant's crew members started whispering amongst themselves.

After the incident, Sibuyo went on Facebook to warn those who use credit or debit cards. She reminded everyone to double check everything because there might be add-ons like food that they did not order or items that they did not purchase. 

What do you think of this story? Have you ever had to pay for something you didn't intend to buy? Share your stories and opinions in the comments section!
Source: TNP, Facebook

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